The Unofficial
Web Page
(Note, this page is not affiliated with Jazzland, Ogden Marketing, or any other entities--it's simply here to inform you of things that I've seen, read, and heard.  None of the information here should be considered official.)



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As you can see from this blurb posted in the 11 Sept. 1999 Times-Picayune newspaper, the CCI Woodie finally has a name.  It's called the "MegaZeph".  While this may not be as cool a name as Kumba, or Alpengeist, or even Ghost Rider; it is a very proud name for us New Orleanian coaster fans.  Up until the late 70's, there was an amusement park in New Orleans called Pontchartrain Beach.  This park had a fun wooden coaster called "The Zephyr."  So, the Jazzland folks have seen fit to honor the Zephyr with this fitting tribute.


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